Friday, June 29, 2007

Website update #2

As so often software systems grow or change like cities - largely unplanned. I started with some ideas on paper, but in the end I played a little bit with photoshop, dreamweaver and blogger and changed the website architecture & design.

The main reasons for the change were, (1) that I wanted to separate the private and research/studies area so that when someone googles me for my research (if that ever should happen :) he or she is not immediately forwarded to the private blog. (2) I wanted to get rid of the frameset and simplify maintenance and (3) I needed distraction from studying :)

It is still a beta version (I'm still looking for better pictures), but i hope you like it. However I would appreciate critical & constructive feedback, thanks!

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Website update

I plan to update my website and I started with a first draft of my future research/studies website on
It's just a quick draft and I have not yet startet with a real design (it's definitely not very accessible yet), but any constructive feedback for that draft is welcome.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Lazy Sunday Afternoon on Brunswick St

After 2 birthday parties and a volleyball game this weekend I enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon in a café on Brunswick St. The relaxed music reminds me of my favorite radio show FM4 sunny side up - and the cappuccino helps to cope with the slight headache. Have a good Sunday too!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Dalai Lama in Melbourne

The Dalai Lama in Australia #1
The Dalai Lama in Australia #1,
originally uploaded by bigbuloke.
I went to a talk of the 14th Dalai Lama in Melbourne last Saturday. I have to admit I was a little bit disappointed at the beginning, because I couldnt' find anything new in his talk. Furthermore it was difficult to understand due to the bad acoustics in the footie oval.
However after some time I got into what he was saying and I started enjoying his talk. He talked about nothing new: deep compassion for the people around us and feeling responsible for the whole world. What I enjoyed was that he seems to represent what he talks and that he admits that he has not an answer to all the questions asked by the audience. Most of all I enjoyed his smile, which has the power to make thousands of people laugh, and which gives them hope and a good feeling.