Sunday, May 03, 2009

Volleyball again

Lloy Ball
Lloy Ball,
originally uploaded by
I'm back in action on the volleyball court with the Melbourne Renegades. I've already played in the second and first team over the last 2 years. Now I'm in the third team, because I want to focus more on my studies and I can't commit to the amount of training required for the first two teams. It's fun though to play in the third team, which is led by my house mate Jared. All players know how to play and put a lot of effort into their game; we've got a good team spirit, and we easily won all games so far.

PS: the photo is obviously neither me setting nor my photo, because my camera is broken. But I'm planning to get a new one soon and I hope to deliver more photo impressions from the court, from uni, and my life in Melbourne soon.

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